Riders Minds co-founder Victoria Wright has published a short but intimate story, aptly titled, ‘All In Your Head’, following the loss of her husband event rider Matthew Wright to suicide.
Victoria shares a poignant insight as to the lasting effects that the death of Matthew has on both herself and her family. “The theme for World Suicide Prevention Day 2022 is ‘Creating hope through action’, and after the Riders Minds documentary was so well received I wanted to take action with something I hope will help people” explains Victoria.
Suicide is a very closed-off subject and one that people struggle to talk about. All that is left is speculation and you become ‘that’ person. I hope that being open and honest in a way I never have done before will open doors for others too.
Victoria Wright, Riders Minds Co-Founder and Author of All in Your Head
“All In Your Head is a brutal, raw and honest account of what suicide is and what it isn’t, to give people a deeper understanding, as well as a platform to be able to talk and share their emotions, and reach out for support.”
Launched on 10th September in conjunction with World Suicide Prevention Day the book is available to buy on Amazon HERE with all proceeds donated to Riders Minds.
Alternatively, simply search ‘All In Your Head – Victoria Wright’ on Amazon.
Riders Minds provides free mental health and well-being support to all equestrians.
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