image of badminton house

Riders Minds are delighted to announce that for the second year riders, grooms and owners at MARS Badminton Horse Trials will have direct access to on-site mental health and well-being support, in a step that acknowledges the importance of competitor’s mental health. Victoria Wright, Founder and Chair of Riders Minds said,

“We’re delighted to have been welcomed back to Badminton for the second year, giving us the opportunity to support riders, grooms and owners at one of the most pressurised events in the world.

The Riders Minds hub will be run by our trained Riders Minds volunteers who will be available to provide face to face support and also make any direct referrals for further counselling should it be required. We hope this will be a model that works and can be used across the different disciplines at different competitions.”

Riders Minds Consultant, Sylvia Bruce added, “We are thrilled that Riders Minds has been invited back to repeat our 2023 service, and that the team at Badminton Horse Trials recognises the importance of providing immediate mental health support, sending a powerful message throughout the equestrian industry that mental health matters.”

The service will run within the stables at Badminton with set times where riders and grooms can call in and talk to a Riders Minds representative, as well access to an out of hours number should an emergency arise (found in the competitors pack), or simply use the hub for some quiet time in a safe space.

To find out more about Riders Minds and to access the live chat go to If you would like to talk to someone call the helpline on 0800 088 2073, or text 07480 488 103. All of the Riders Minds services are free, 100% confidential and accessible 24 hours a day.

Up-to-date information on MARS Badminton Horse Trials can be found at:

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