Rider Reset Challenge
Riders Minds would like to offer you a unique opportunity to check in with your mental health and wellbeing.
The creators of The Riders Programme have launched their own “Rider Reset 10 day Challenge’ in recognition of Mental Health Awareness week 9th – 15th May 2022. This is free and open to all our supporters here at Riders Minds.
This Rider Reset Challenge includes elements of what they consider to be vital to the physical and mental wellbeing of all riders and non-riders alike; movement, mindfulness and breathwork.
Both Bella and Taisie, co-founders of The Riders’ Programme, come from equestrian backgrounds and have used these tools personally to overcome many physical and mental challenges themselves for many years which led them to joining forces earlier this year.
The Rider Reset 10 Day Challenge is a fun, accessible challenge sharing a daily 10 minute movement, mindset or breathwork practice over the course of 10 consecutive days.
Designed to help you start a positive morning habit that will encourage you to reset your own mental and physical health and subsequently feel stronger, empowered and resilient in an industry that we know has many complex challenges.
It is for riders (and non-riders alike – think grooms, support crew, drivers; anyone who needs a reset), and it’s designed to get you started when you simply don’t know where to begin or feel too overwhelmed to.
All you need to do to get started, is sign-up and give it a go! Each day a new 10 minute video will be sent to your inbox.
Click HERE to sign-up for FREE and also please do share the link with friends and family; or perhaps do it alongside someone else for accountability or maybe you just know someone that would love it or could benefit.
Jump in and enjoy!
You can find more about The Riders’ Programme and what Bella and Taise have to offer at www.theridersprogramme.com or at @theridersprogramme handle across their facebook and instagram pages.
If you’re looking for a supportive community of like-minded riders you can also join their private Facebook group, where they share expert advice and educational content to help you become the best rider you can be, as well as offer support for those good and not so good days. You can join The Riders’ Programme Community here.
They’ve also written a blog on focused around breathwork. If you want to understand more about how breathwork can help to positively impact your mental and physical state, you can read the post here.
If you need support
Live text support:
07480 488 103
Call the helpline:
0800 088 2073
Or use the webchat button.